FVI amongst the country top 20’s firms with higher productivity
The company also ranked third place amongst the top 20 companies in the fields of engineering and construction. In 2017, the FVI aims its corporate
Operation and administration of shopping centers
Operation and administration of parking lots and offices
Corporate finances – both ours and third parties-, including fixed and variable revenue
INVACA operates and manages “High End” shopping centers in Venezuela, representing 120,000 square meters of rentable area in operation. It was registered in the Caracas Stock Exchange (BVC) in 1950
We receive around 24 million people a year in our spaces. Shopping centers that we operate:
The FVI, together with INVACA, has generated agreements with important groups, which solidify our commercial strength and supports the national and international growth of the corporation.
FVI OFFICES operates and manages offices and parking lots. We currently have 5,000 square meters of available office space for rent and about 7,000 parking spaces. We meet the needs of our clients in Venezuela and the Caribbean
The parking lots operated by LOPCO maintain the quality, novelty, safety and functionality that characterizes the FVI. They are illuminated and have wide spaces, permanent surveillance, modern extraction and ventilation systems, access controls and ATMs. Excellence and quality is what we strive for.
FINANCE seeks to promote and develop our experience in the financial area in everything
Related to Corporate Finance
We take advantage from our 26 years of experience and our experience in the stock market, leveraging our competitive advantages as well as our differentiating attributes:
The company also ranked third place amongst the top 20 companies in the fields of engineering and construction. In 2017, the FVI aims its corporate
The company’s digital cover letter shows a minimalist design, clean browsing, and more dynamism Fondo de Valores Inmobiliarios (FVI), a leading company in the capital
The amount will be paid 25% in cash and 75% in shares Luis Emilio Velutini, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fondo de Valores
Perfil Corporativo
Relación con inversionistas
Páginas Relacionadas:
“Entidad Regulada y Supervisada por la Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores”
La Superintendencia Nacional de Valores de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, es el ente encargado de regular y supervisar el funcionamiento eficiente del mercado de valores, para la protección de las personas que han realizado inversiones en los valores a los cuales se refiere la Ley del Mercado de Valores, y para estimular el desarrollo productivo del país, bajo la vigilancia y coordinación del Órgano Superior del Sistema Financiero Nacional (Ministerio del Poder Popular de Planificación y Finanzas).